
Recycled fish nets instead of disposable shoe covers

At many Nordic industrial facilities, it is a challenge to prevent or minimise dirt from ending up in the premises. A common solution is to use disposable plastic shoe covers, a solution that is far from optimal. Together with our customer Equinor, Coor has tested an entrance solution with fixed mats made of recycled fish nets that absorb the dirt. The test resulted in a cleaner impression, but even more importantly - less climate impact, lower costs and reduced risk of falls.










Renate Haugland
Cleaning expert at Coor in Norway










80 % of all dirt inside of the buildings comes from outside







The fixed mat could replace the entire need for disposable shoe covers at one site







The fixed mats can reduce the indoor sound levels with up to 33 decibels

Disadvantages with disposable plastic socks

Measurements show that more than 80% of all dirt in our workplaces comes from outside. Dirt such as water, oil, salt, gravel and mud, especially in combination, wears a lot on the floor surfaces and makes them harder to clean. To avoid heavily soiled floors, many companies use single-use shoe covers made out of plastic. There are several disadvantages to these, for example:

  • High risk of tripping and falls, especially on wet surfaces. 
  • The quality is often poor, which causes the shoe covers to crack and spread dirt further. Because of this, floor surfaces wear out faster and the need for rough cleaning increases. Dirty floors may also affect the impression of the company.
  • Harmful particles from the industrial sites will be stuck on the shoe covers and end up inside of the buildings, impairing the indoor environment.
  • Used shoe covers will easily blow away with the wind and end up in the nature.
  • There are numerous people using shoe covers out of habit and not solely based on need.







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