
Hållbara och ansvarsfulla fullservicelösningar

Vårt övergripande mål är att säkerställa en framgångsrik verksamhet som levererar på våra finansiella mål utan att kompromissa med respekten för människor och miljö.

Man som utför fastighetsunderhåll utanför en kontorsbyggnad

Coor's view on sustainability

We spend a lot of time at our workplaces, where we want to experience healthy, welcoming and well-functioning environments. At the same time, society faces environmental challenges and we need to conserve the planet’s resources. Coor’s ambition is to contribute to both of these issues. Therefore, a sustainability perspective is included in everything we do.

Långsiktiga mål i 3 dimensioner

Our work with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Our high sustainability ambitions and strategy are based on the principles of the UN Global Compact and the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) . The purpose of the goals is to abolish extreme poverty, reduce inequality and injustice in the world, promote peace and fairness, and solve the climate crisis by 2030. We want to help advance this important work.

In recent years, we have mainly directed our development efforts to eight of the UN's Global Goals, because that is where we use the most resources and, consequently, have the greatest ability to make a difference. In 2022, we carried out a comprehensive review of our contribution to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. The review showed that we should continue to focus on these eight goals. In addition, we have also added goal number seven, sustainable energy for all, to the goals we focus on. With energy supply becoming an increasingly important issue, we have built up a growing service portfolio of smart energy solutions that enables us to make a more active contribution in this area.

Awards & commitments